Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hi all!

Hello, my name is Angelika. I’ve been suffering from acne since my teen years and it’s always been a curse on my life. People used to stare at me wherever I went and it was absolutely awful. Many people have no idea what it is like to be stared at. To have others look at you like you are a freak or some kind of cheap entertainment. In school I was the object of so many jokes and pranks I really can’t remember how many times I left school in tears. Acne made me lose my self esteem and confidence. I was staying in my room most of the time and I was even afraid to go shopping with my family.
I spent many mornings crying in front of the mirror and wishing that acne would suddenly go away. My parents have always been kind and supportive, but that just wasn’t enough. No amount of kindness from my parents’ part could make people stop staring at me in the street. It got so bad that I lost interest in school and sunk into depression. I had also tried a lot of remedies and cures for acne hoping that one of them might work and rid me of acne once and for all. When all the cures had failed, I felt that I was caught in a nightmare from which there is no escape. I felt I was doomed to be the “girl with a bad case of acne” for the rest of my life.
By the time I found ClearPores I had no hope left. I was sure that there can be no cure for my acne and that I would be stuck with it forever. When I first went through the ClearPores website I thought: “Yeah, right, just another company promising the moon. Been there, done that”. It was my mother who insisted that I should try this anti-acne system and I thought I might as well do it. I guess I was ready to try anything at that time. Imagine my surprise when I realized that ClearPores was actually working and that my skin was getting clearer everyday. I was amazed to find that an anti-acne system I didn’t trust to do anything more than empty my pocket was actually working.
It’s been six months since I used ClearPores for the first time and I really can’t believe how good my skin looks. Most of the pimples are gone thanks to the deep washes and herbal supplement. And the protective cream is keeping my skin free of new pimples at all times. ClearPores is like a dream come true and now I can get out of the house whenever I want because people don’t stare anymore. I’ve never been so happy and full of energy in my life. Everybody who’s suffering from acne should try ClearPores.

My solution worked 100% for me

Know Your Skin Type

Vanity is a natural human characteristic. It is innate in all of us. And although most people do not regard their skin as an organ, our skin is in fact the largest vital organ in our body. Skin that is clogged and unhealthy is not just a beauty problem. It can become a hindrance to your sense of vitality and wellness. Proper care of your skin is important not only to your personal sense of beauty but also to proper elimination, more graceful aging and overall health.
There are five major types of skin. Understanding your skin type is the best approach to your personal skin care.
Normal skin—is the type of skin that we’d all love to have. This is the “healthy” type of skin. This type is the not too oily, not too dry type, characterized by few blemishes, generally firm and smooth with small pores. When you pull the skin away from the bony structure, it springs back to normal position. Lines and wrinkles are appropriate for age.
Dry Skin—due to environmental exposure to harsh elements and very often lack of water skin may flake off and feel tight in your face. It may lack natural oils, may look rather flaky with small pores, blemishes and blackheads. Without adequate moisture, dry skin can easily become chapped. As dry skin ages, it’s more likely than other types to become wrinkly.
Oily Skin—skin may look oily and coarse, may have recurring blackheads, acne and large pores. The texture of skin is thick; the touch is often sticky. This type is usually youthful- looking due to the presence of oil on the skin. Often, individuals with oily skin have a tendency to develop acne in their teen and middle years, and overgrown oil glands, or sebaceous hyperplasia, in the middle and late years.
Combination Skin—varies according to your skin type. This is the Jekyll and Hyde type of skin, often with split personality. This type may be characterized as oily on the T-zone (the area that stretches from the forehead down to the nose and chin), and dry to normal on the cheeks and around the eye area.
Sensitive Skin—people with sensitive skin are the most prone to allergies, rash, sting, and burns. This type of skin gets irritated easily and can go very red and blotchy. This type will have a lot more trouble to environmental factors and tends to be very sensitive to cosmetics.
Know your skin and take care of it. It is your glory to being healthy and beautiful.

1 step to beautiful skin!

Perricone's Do’s and Don’ts for a healthy skin

Shaping up through the proper diet goes along with having a smoother and healthier looking skin. The right combination of healthy foods and dieting can bring out a better-looking you. Living with the wrong diet will only leave your body weaker and your skin looking old and tired.
Perricone, a specialist on eating for a better skin, says that eating right helps improve how one looks. It basically means that the type of food that you eat can help define your physical appearance. Perricone was responsible for the “anti-inflammation diet,” which, when observed by his patients, resulted in a younger look and significant reduction of acne and eczema problems.
Perricone’s “wrinkle-free diet” contains a lot of do’s and don’ts. The first crucial element in his diet regimen is Protein. Protein helps a lot in repairing the cells and in fighting aging. Some of the most popular in the list of protein foods are fish, chicken without the skin, turkey breast, and egg whites.
The next important element is that fat should not be avoided, well, not totally. The reason for this is that fat is anti-inflammatory and it contains antioxidants that help maintain a youthful looking skin. Just as most fish contain proteins, salmon, tuna, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids that lower bad cholesterol and are, consequently, good for the skin.
Perricone’s list of Don’ts includes lessening the intake of carbohydrates and sugar that may cause inflammation. As these foods cause chemical changes in the body, they likewise cause collagen to diminish, which is not very good for the skin.
Lastly, Perricone suggests a regular intake of water because it not only helps cleanse the body; it also causes the cells to work better. Eating right is an important key to a successful skin care regimen. Having a well-maintained body also leads to a better and healthier looking skin with fewer wrinkles.

Summer Skin

Summer is here in earnest and the weather is perfect for going to the beach. After an interminable winter and spring, the time has come again for walking out in the sun and having a blast outdoors. There are parties and trips to the beach and holidays waiting for the individual eager for fun. Care and worry left at home, it’s time to enjoy yourself.
However, if you suffer from acne you may want to take some precautions before hitting the beach. I’m sure that skipping the summertime beach fun is simply out of the question, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be careful about it. Many people think that exposure to the summer sun is good for their skin since it tends to burn off pimples, but prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation is not a good choice. Also, the sun simply burns the topmost layer of the face skin. It does not deal with the true causes of acne and the so-called positive effects are only temporary. This means that pimples will be back as soon as the sebum starts clogging the pores again.
Walking around in hot weather is pretty much guaranteed to make people sweat. Sweat is bad news for acne and people suffering from this condition should refrain from wiping their face frequently. Sweat should be washed away gently with lukewarm water. Another bad news is that exposure to sun and wind tends to dry out the skin. Again, this may seem a good way to prevent the accumulation of excess sebum within the pores, but it’s not that simple. Dry skin tends to crack and lesions heal slower. Exposure to wind is also guaranteed to replace the negative effect of the sebum with the negative effect of wind-borne dust. Pores will still get clogged, just not with sebum.
Another thing you need to be careful about is sunscreens. These lotions and creams may contain oil which is just as bad for the pores as sebum. It would be a poor tradeoff to avoid UV radiation by worsening the acne. Be careful about what type of sunscreen and after beach lotions you buy and stay clear from those rich in oil. And one final advice: watch out for the effect of salty sea water on your skin. Salty water and perfect skin don’t mix well at all. And that’s even before you get to think about sea water not being all that clean.
What can be done to help fight acne in summer? For starters you can take care of your skin, make sure it is clean and free of sebum and dust in the morning and evening. If your lifestyle or job involves a lot of sweating, you may want to be even more careful about your skin. The ClearPores skin cleansing system is the perfect tool for this job. The deep washes use Salicylic Acid and SD Alcohol to keep both the surface of the skin and the pores clean and dry, while the herbal supplements kill bacteria. Finally, the protection cream acts as a shield on your skin and makes sure sebum, grime and bacteria don’t become a threat.

Are the lasting effects of acne more than just skin deep?

The teen years are a trying time for any person. Although the worries and cares of adulthood are still far into the future, the teen is not exactly a happy and relaxed person. The carelessness and ignorance of childhood makes room for rebellion and questions about one’s values and place in the world. Looking for their own road through life teens feel insecure and, often enough, misunderstood. Unfortunately, if the search for a place under the sun is not enough, teenagers also have to deal with other problems, such as acne. This unsightly condition is the bane of many teenagers because of the effects it has at psychological level.
It doesn’t take a lot to foster a negative self image in a teenager. Most of them are at least somewhat insecure about their outward appearance because of various real or imaginary blemishes. But a real condition that causes true discomfort and mars a young face is something else altogether. The fragile self image and self respect of teenagers are hard pressed to cope with the pressure exerted by the opinions of others and the comparisons with various role-models that teenagers find for themselves. In extreme cases, the negative self image turns into self hatred and the disfiguring condition is seen as a cruel instrument of self punishment for failing to rise up to some standard or other.
Teenagers live in small worlds. Parents, friends and the amorphous group of half-familiar school mates are the limits of their social lives. Naturally, teenagers tend to attach more importance to the praise or criticism coming from their friends or school mates, on grounds that parents love you anyway and are fatally biased. But, since teens can be very cruel to each other, the criticism of school mates is frequently unkind and meant to hurt. This serves to increase the feelings of anxiety, insecurity and self hatred, resulting in withdrawal from the social environment into a private world of pain and shame.
Teenagers are terribly earnest about outward appearances and criticism. They are still away from the age when human beings come to terms with themselves and are no longer much interested in what others say or think. Hiding one’s body or face and feeling ashamed just because somebody else said that this is the thing to do is a mistake and teenagers should be helped to see this. Acne can be defeated with persistence and by using the right products. However, the psychological effects of acne must also be fought, or else they may never go away. The teenager who hated himself for having pimples on his face will turn into the adult who hates himself for being a little overweight or not making as much money as some co-worker.
The feeling of discomfort and shame with oneself does not always go away in time. Sometimes it just finds a new problem to act as its power source. This is the lasting effect of acne: a poor self image, a lack of confidence and a feeling of being at a disadvantage when comparing oneself to other people. These moods and mindsets can ruin anybody’s social life and often times they also get in the way of professional development. Unfortunately, acne is not just skin deep.

Why Skincare Is No Longer a Distinctly Feminine Pursuit

To say that modern life is very different from what our ancestors used to call living is a huge understatement. It’s plain to see that ancestors as close to us as our very grandparents are shocked by many aspects of our lives. Little things like hairstyles, clothes, computers and ideologies are completely foreign to the older folk. Attitudes that were unthinkable 50 years ago are moving into today’s mainstream with the rise of a new generation of people.
Personal care has been for a long time associated with women. Through the centuries, personal care has gone hand in hand with beautification and the innate impulse of every woman to make herself look as pretty as she could. A pretty face goes a long way toward making a great first impression, not to mention other benefits later on.
However, men have always been supposed to be different. Men were expected to be tough and, if possible, smart. In time, men have let their coarse side show more and more frequently, until it became quite natural for men to be coarse and to disdain personal care. Such activities were seen as soft, feminine things that could make a man too soft for whatever manly business he was supposed to do. A man openly trying to get rid of acne because it made him look ugly must have been seen as a strange character.
However, times have changed. Men are today no longer content to play the old roles, neither at work nor in bed. The exploration of new ways of getting pleasure in bed has revealed that men have a lot to gain by admitting to softer feelings. Metrosexuality appeals to every man’s vanity and to the need to improve one’s chances of getting laid as often as possible. While certain men snicker at face creams, nail polish and strange clothes, these things tend to score points with the ladies.
The rise of Metrosexuality is also blurring the distinction between sexes. Any person can play any role and be anybody. This is why more and more men get to patronize expensive shops instead of simply buying a new pair of jeans when the old one starts to look threadbare and to go to hairdressers instead of barbers. New roles require new clothes, new styles and new attitudes. Modern men and women have become refined pleasure hunters, not easily pleased.
And with appearances playing such a big role in the lives of men, it’s small wonder that acne is no longer tolerated. Which is why men have started to turn to skincare solutions, such as ClearPores, in a bid to improve their looks. ClearPores is a full skincare system designed to clear away nasty red spots and blackheads that spoil the carefully crafted image of a stylish man. Using the effective of SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid, ClearPores is able to open up the pores and clear away the grime, excess sebum and bacteria.
ClearPores can be described best as one of the key weapons in a modern man’s arsenal. A weapon in the war against acne. There is no reason to let acne spoil your image, just as there is no reason to settle for anything less than a full system that covers every angle of your anti-acne effort. This is why we recommend ClearPores as the best solution for all your acne-related troubles.

Good skin comes to those who wait

I have always got mad whenever some old timer told me to be patient. Have you ever heard that saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Well, that made me mad, too. Why should I wait? What’s the big idea with all this “wait, wait, wait” thing? Call me weird, but I’ve always thought that patience is overrated. A sort of excuse for people who can’t keep up with things. So whenever people told me to wait I used to say: You wait! I have better things to do.
Maybe it’s hormones, I don’t know. I have a bad case of hyperactive behavior coupled with a bad case of acne and I couldn’t really use another problem in my life. And, oh, yeah!, I don’t like to be patient. Things move fast nowadays and I shudder to think what my life would have been like two centuries ago. I’m sure those people had no idea how to move fast. That’s why it took them years to build Rome. I’m pretty sure that the whole construction phase could have been completed a lot faster than it was.
Anyway, one day I decided to put an end to my acne. There has to be a way to do that. So I looked around for acne treatments, things that I could use to get rid of this problem. It didn’t take me long to find something that sounded right. Decisions always come quick to me. I found this product called ClearPores, saw that it was a comprehensive solution, noticed the cool money-back guarantee and decided on the spot to buy it. No financial risk, looks successful, sounds OK – it’s a deal.
ClearPores is a system made of three parts. The first part consists of deep facial and skin washes that open the pores and clear out the grime, dirt and bacteria. The SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid solution is very effective at clearing away the sebum and opening clogged pores. This way, bacteria don’t get a chance to turn my pores into pimples and my skin stays acne free. There’s none of that shiny look either. The washes really take care of the sebum.
The second part of the system is the herbal pills that take the fight to the bacteria. The pills make sure my skin is not a friendly place for bacteria. No thriving, no reproducing, no infecting. Bacteria die quickly and are gone. No more red spots for me. The third part of the system is the protection cream that keeps my skin free of pimples yet to come. Knowing that the cream keeps dirt and bacteria away from my skin makes me feel safe.
At first I was really mad and, well, a bit scared. I was nervous about my acne and I thought that the ClearPores system will clean me up in no time. Imagine my surprise to see that my skin looked worse than before. At that point I thought I’d been ripped off and I was getting ready to request a refund. However, I read on the forum that this thing is quite common and it actually means that things are getting better because the body is getting rid of many bad things.
Well, things are better know and I’m glad I didn’t quit the program. The only problem is that it takes time for results to show. Knowing that everything will eventually be OK helps a lot. Although I still hate the wait and I resent knowing that I have to be patient, I can’t give up now that things are looking better. It’s pretty clear that my expectations of a quick cure were a bit unrealistic, but I’m content that an end to my problem is finally in sight. I feel good.